A Complete Solution For Filtering and Management



Take your security to the next level with CIS Filtering!

With CIS Filtering, content and malware mitigation is straightforward, eliminating the need for extra hardware. Spend just 15 minutes setting it up to enhance your CIS Router for a more efficient and secure online experience.

Additionally, the CIS Platinum Monitoring Membership offers vigilant oversight of chosen network devices, delivering instant status updates to integration specialists. Stay ahead of the curve with the proactive alerts provided by the CIS Platinum Membership.

SKU: 30010 Category:

Content and App Filtering

Content & App Filtering 54 categories, white-listing & low false positives
Internet content is promptly identified and categorized within a day. Additionally, a distinct 'Safe Search' feature can be activated for sites like YouTube, Google, and Bing. Upon attempting to access a restricted page, users are presented with a personalized block notification, and the incident is recorded.

Malware Mitigation

Malware Mitigation Block 350,000 strains of malware
CIS Malware Mitigation excels in identifying both the origins (such as harmful websites) and the indicators of malware, enhancing the protection offered by anti-threat applications on PCs and devices. It effectively counters a wide array of threats including ransomware, viruses, banking trojans, botnets, and over 25,000 other malware types.

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting & Analysis Real-time reports and 6 months of data
Adhering to top privacy regulations like 95/46/EC, BPjM, and similar, CIS maintains up to six months of historical data, facilitating the generation of both spontaneous and planned reports. A variety of ready-made report templates are accessible, simplifying the process and reducing the workload involved.

Area restriction Control

Area restriction Control Block countries considered dangerous
The capability to identify and, if necessary, restrict access to specific countries can be immensely beneficial for various reasons. Often, this is due to perceived security threats, but it can also serve to establish geographic boundaries for safeguarding children or regulating employee access.